/: i can get titles now
changed some formating options, got the right time zone, etc. peace
/: i changed the template very slightly to hopefully give you a better idea of where each post begins {i didnt like how it looked before}. now there should be a
slashdot at the beggining of each
/: maybe ill also put things like this in the blog {this from Sami's
that reeminds me, i need a tracker for this site. hmm... to lazy
I am Radioactive Man!
Which Simpsons Character are YOU?
/: New plan: write whats on my arm/hand in the blog. here we go:
Joe Bonamassa
April 16 Webster
Thursday April 1
4:15 121 SC
go sit on hill
Cover West Side Story Song
"When you're a Jet..."
WRITE STAR WARS song with line
"Hey, Jabba called..."
Pitch Black
Monday 3:00
April 23rd
Wed 2:30 --> MATH!!! Wed 3:00 - 5:00
classics dinner
////// I am still undecided whether i should explain some cryptic or otherwise things written, or jsut leave them unexplained. prob leave unexplained. then its like an art and im lazy : ) w/e, we'll see.
/: ok, heres old blog rediscovered: